Red de Herbarios Mexicanos
Un puente de colaboración entre los botánicos de México
Shippensburg University Herbarium (SHIP)Shippensburg University Herbarium contains mostly specimens of vascular plants, including student collections from plant taxonomy courses, vouchers from botanical surveys, and donated collections. The specimens are primarily from Pennsylvania, but there are also substantial collections from Maine, the Adirondacks, Maryland, Virginia, and the Carolinas. The Herbarium also houses over 1,000 catalogued specimens of bryophytes, plus uncatalogued lichens, fungi and macroalgae. The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources designates SHIP as one of the herbaria that accepts voucher specimens of "Plant Species of Special Concern" from surveys for environmental review. Contactos: Heather Sahli, Contactos: Larry Klotz, Tipo de Colección: Preserved Specimens Administración: Datos en vivo administrados directamente dentro del portal de datos Identificador único Global: 47e589fa-6091-4fe8-bc30-0e55f233a2d4 Metadata Digital: EML File Derechos de Uso: Dirección:
Shippensburg University Herbarium College of Arts and Sciences, Biology 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257 United States Estadísticas de Colección