Red de Herbarios Mexicanos
Un puente de colaboración entre los botánicos de México
Miami University Turrell Herbarium - Vascular Plants (MU)Miami University is the home of Ohio's largest herbarium, the Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium. The herbarium's holdings of approximately 620,000 specimens are worldwide in both geographical and taxonomic coverage. The collection consists of 330,000 vascular plant specimens, as well as 140,000 bryophytes, 100,000 fungi, 35,000 lichens, 10,000 algae, and 5,000 fossil plants. There are several thousand type specimens contained in the collection, as well as many sets of cryptogamic exsiccatae. Active exchange programs are ongoing with many herbaria worldwide to ensure the continued breadth and depth of the collection. The W.S. Turrell Herbarium Fund is an endowment which benefits the herbarium, and is restricted to support of the research activities of the staff and students in systematic botany. Curator: Gretchen Meier,, (513) 529-2755 Tipo de Colección: Preserved Specimens Administración: Datos en vivo administrados directamente dentro del portal de datos Identificador único Global: b017884a-c5d7-11e4-b6af-00163e00498d DwC-Archive Access Punto de Acceso: Metadata Digital: EML File Derechos de Uso:
Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium, Miami University Department of Biology 77 Upham Hall, 100 Bishop Circle Dr. Miami University Oxford, OH 45056-1879 US 5135292755 Estadísticas de Colección